Saturday, October 7, 2017

Precious Stones

Link to the answers here

1) The KJV describes Ezekiel’s chariot as being like the color of what stone?
a) sardonyx
b) ruby
c) amber
d) agate

2) Ezekiel describes the fallen cherub who had every precious stone as his covering. What 4 precious stones are included among them?
a) pearl, jasper, ruby, sapphire
b) topaz, onyx, jasper, beryl
c) emerald, jasper, crystal, beryl
d) topaz, pearl, emerald, onyx

3) John describes a rainbow surrounded throne in Revelation like what precious stone?
a) diamond
b) topaz
c) ruby
d) emerald

4) The prophet Jeremiah condemns the sin of Judah and says it is carved on the horns of the altar of God with the point of which gemstone?
a) diamond
b) topaz
c) emerald
d) ruby

5) Jesus relates a parable about an object of great price for which a man sold all he had to purchase it. What was this object?
a) diamond
b) pearl
c) ruby
d) crystal

6) Fill in the blank:
For wisdom is better than _____; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.
a) beryls
b) pearls
c) emeralds
d) rubies

7) The value of the Proverbs 31 woman is far above which precious stone?
a) pearls
b) sapphires
c) rubies
d) emeralds

8) What stone was the foundation of the wall of New Jerusalem in Revelation?
a) jasper
b) onyx
c) chrysoprase
d) chalcedony

9) What was the precious gem that formed the twelve gates of New Jerusalem?
a) pearl
b) sardonyx
c) topaz
d) beryl

10) What stone is not found on the ephod Moses was told to create?
a) chalcedony
b) topaz
c) onyx
d) amethyst

11) The names of the 12 tribes of Israel are carved on two stones to be placed on the shoulders of the ephod Aaron and future high priests would wear. What is the name of that stone?
a) jasper
b) chrysoprase
c) onyx
d) chalcedony

12) Why are those stones and names placed on the shoulders of the ephod?
a) to help balance the weight of the ephod
b) to show allegiance to God
c) to remind the priests whom they serve
d) as a memorial

13) In the book of Job, the question is asked, where is wisdom found. The passage lists many stones including one from Ethiopia. What is the stone of Ethiopia?
a) ruby
b) diamond
c) topaz
d) emerald

14) The first river out of the Garden of Eden is called Pishon, which encompasses the land of Havilah and contains what common stone?
a) agate
b) onyx
c) chalcedony
d) garnet

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