Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Minor prophets Part 2

1) The prophecy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem is in which book of the bible?
a) Joel
b) Micah
c) Nahum
d) Zephaniah

2) The vision of Obadiah concerns which nation?
a) Edom
b) Moab
c) Philistia
d) Samaria

3) Which city was Jonah supposed to prophesize to when he instead fled the presence of the Lord?
a) Damascus
b) Jerusalem
c) Nineveh
d) Tarshish

4) In the book of Acts, the apostle Peter quoted which Old Testament minor prophet at Pentecost?
a) Amos
b) Haggai
c) Joel
d) Malachi

5) Which book of the bible has the prophet saying that the Lord will send Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord?
a) Habakkuk
b) Hosea
c) Joel
d) Malachi

6) The word of the Lord came to Hosea during the reign of which king of Israel?
a) Ahab
b) Hezekiah
c) Jeroboam
d) Solomon

7) Which prophet is the grandson of Iddo the prophet?
a) Haggai
b) Jonah
c) Nahum
d) Zechariah

8) What was the occupation of the prophet Amos?
a) Farmer
b) Herdsman
c) Merchant
d) Prophet

9) The word came to Zephaniah during the reign of which king?
a) Josiah king of Judah
b) Jotham king of Judah
c) Hezekiah king of Israel
d) Uzziah king of Israel

10) What did the prophet Habakkuk call his vision?
a) A burden
b) A blessing
c) A word
d) He did not call it anything

11) Nahum prophesized against which city?
a) Jerusalem
b) Nineveh
c) Samaria
d) Tyre

12) The book of Joel opens with a lament about what?
a) An evil king
b) The exile of Israel
c) A plague of locusts
d) The destruction of the temple

13) Which prophet was told to take a prostitute for a wife?
a) Amos
b) Hosea
c) Obadiah
d) Micah

14) In which book does the prophet see a  Man riding a red horse?
a) Habakkuk
b) Joel
c) Malachi
d) Zechariah

15) What was the result of the prophecies spoken by Haggai?
a) The city was destroyed
b) They rebuilt the temple
c) The people obeyed the word of the Lord
d) No result is given

Minor prophets Part 1

Minor prophets Part 1

1) Romans 9:13 quotes which minor prophet when it says “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated"?
a) Amos
b) Malachi
c) Obadiah
d) Nahum

2) To whom did Haggai prophesize to?
a) Hezekiah king of Judah
b) Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah
c) Uzziah king of Judah
d) Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel governor of Judah

3) In what book shall they “look upon Him whom they have pierced”?
a) Amos
b) Malachi
c) Micah
d) Zechariah

4) The prophecies of Micah concerned which cities?
a) Samaria and Jerusalem
b) Jerusalem and Nineveh
c) Edom and Tyre
d) Jericho and Tyre

5) In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus refers to His death and calls it the sign of which prophet?
a) Habakkuk
b) Haggai
c) Jonah
d) Micah

6) Why is it said in the book of Hosea that Israel is like a prostitute?
a) Israel put idols into the temple
b) Israel permitted the heathen to live among them
c) Israel had forsaken the Lord
d) No reason was given

7) The word Amos saw concerning Israel took place 2 years before which event?
a) Earthquake
b) Jubilee
c) The reign of Rehoboam
d) War with the Philistines

8) Fill in the blank: In Zechariah, there is a stone with seven ______.
a) Colors
b) Eyes
c) Fissures
d) Sides

9) The chief priests and scribes told Herod that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. They quoted which prophet?
a) Hosea
b) Joel
c) Malachi
d) Zechariah

10) What books were written about prophecies given during the reign of Darius?
a) Amos and Hosea
b) Joel and Micah
c) Haggai and Zechariah
d) Nahum and Obadiah