Saturday, October 7, 2017

Animals of the Bible 1

Link to answers here

1) Which birds could not be eaten according to the Law of Moses?
a) ostrich and chicken
b) dove and chicken
c) eagle and ostrich
d) quail and eagle

2) In order to prove that he could beat Goliath. David told Saul that he protected his flock against which two animals?
a) hyena and wolf
b) lion and bear
c) lion and wolf
d) bear and leopard

3) Those who collected the tribute or temple tax asked Peter if Jesus paid it. Jesus then instructed Peter to collect the money from the mouth of what animal in order to pay the temple tax?
a) goat
b) dove
c) lamb
d) fish

4) In the sermon on the mount, Jesus warns people to beware of false prophets who come in what kind of animal’s clothing but inwardly are what kind of animal?
a) dove and vulture
b) sheep and wolf
c) sheep and lion
d) dove and lion

5) Abraham’s servant looked for a bride for Isaac. He found the perfect bride when she offered to water what animals the servant had with him?
a) donkeys
b) sheep
c) goats
d) camels

6) The prophet Isaiah speaks of a future time of peace when what two animals will lie down with one another?
a) ram and lion cub
b) leopard and young goat
c) bear and lamb
d) lion and kid

7) Jezebel’s body was eaten by what animals?
a) lions
b) vultures
c) dogs
d) eagles

8) Jesus chastised the Pharisees by asking them if they would pull what animal out of a pit on the Sabbath day?
a) an ox
b) a ram
c) a goat
d) a pig

9) At the baptism of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like what kind of animal?
a) lion
b) dove
c) eagle
d) winged lion

10) Just before His death, Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of which young animal?
a) ox
b) donkey
c) horse
d) He did not ride any animal

11) The armies of heaven follow Jesus on what white animal?
a) camels
b) oxen
c) horses
d) bulls

12) In the book of Revelation, the apostle John saw four living creatures around the throne of God. These beings had the faces of what creatures?
a) man, calf, eagle and lion
b) man, goat, bear and lion
c) calf, goat, eagle and lion
d) bear, ox, man and lion

13) Jesus warns people not to lay up treasures on earth where rust and what animal can corrupt it?
a) vultures
b) worms
c) mice
d) moths

14) John the Baptist wore clothing made of which animal?
a) camel
b) goat
c) sheep
d) ox

15) Daniel was thrown into a den of what kind of animal?
a) hyenas
b) vipers
c) lions
d) bears

16) When Jesus returns, He will divide the nations into two groups He compares to animals. What are the two animals and what do they represent?
a) goats are the lost and sheep are the saved
b) lambs are the lost and goats are the saved
c) pigs are the lost and sheep are the saved
d) pigs are the lost and goats are the saved

17) When Aaron made the golden idol for the Israelites in deserts of the Sinai Peninsula, what was the creature the idol looked like?
a) cat
b) lion
c) eagle
d) calf

18) In Proverbs, a beautiful woman who turns aside discretion is compared to what animal sporting jewelry?
a) dog
b) camel
c) pig
d) donkey

19) Jesus relates a parable to explain the joy in heaven over a sinner coming to repentance. He illustrates this with a comparison to what kind of lost animal?
a) goat
b) dog
c) cat
d) sheep

20) Jesus gave his 70 disciples the authority to tread on what two animals as well as authority over the enemy?
a) serpents and scorpions
b) foxes and wolves
c) serpents and wolves

d) foxes and scorpions

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