Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Firsts – Genesis Hard

1) Who was the first shepherdess?
a) Cain’s wife
b) Rachel
c) Leah
d) Rebekkah

2) Who was the first shepherd?
a) Adam
b) Noah
c) Abel
d) Cain

3) Who is the first hunter mentioned in the bible?
a) Cain
b) Nimrod
c) Lamech
d) Jubal

4) Whose sacrifice to the Lord is first mentioned in the bible?
a) Cain
b) Abel
c) Adam
d) Eve

5) Who is the first metal craftsman?
a) Jubal
b) Jabal
c) Lamech
d) Tubal Cain

6) Abimelach has the first dream in the bible. What was it about?
a) That he would bow to Joseph
b) Seven years of famine
c) That he would die for taking another man’s wife
d) That Pharaoh would kill him in 3 days

7) Who was the first prisoner of war?
a) Terah
b) Lot
c) Chedorlaomer
d) Nahor

8) The first time land is bought in the bible, what is the land to be used for?
a) For a burial
b) As a pasture for sheep
c) To farm
d) As a vineyard

9) What is the first metal mentioned in the bible?
a) Iron
b) Bronze
c) Silver
d) Gold

10) What is the first city mentioned in the bible?
a) Enoch
b) Babel
c) Sodom
d) Gomorrah

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